Monday, July 13, 2009

Never Give Up...!!

Life is indeed full of temptation. It's an interesting story that we can make as inspiration for a life. That make us not give up quickly and even make us never give up to face any kind of trial.

This story begins when a hawk swoop down so quickly to the surface of water in the river to hunt small fish that were there. one by one the fish taken by eagle to the nest, until finally the nest full of the small fish.

Small fish in the eagle nest is visible limp all of them spoke to the other, "we will die in the eagle nest, the better we surrender." Some other jumping in order to escape from the eagle nest, but because it runs out of energy eventually the fish is more weak until they stop to jumping, and even some already dead. But, there's one fish that continue to jumping to be out of the nest of eagle, when his friends are reminded that wahat he were doing is only wasting his time. However, small fish that do never give up, because he knows that right under the eagle nest is the river where he could live, so that he continue to jump for it to be out of the nest.

Because fish do not give up on the circumstances and fate, with one final hurdle that he was high out of the nest was successful and the drop just above the river, where he lives. Even he was already weak because of fatigue.

Small fish that never give up that eventually can proceed it's life with safely. But the other small fish which quickly surrendered must be willing to submit to the fate and become a eagle food..

Sometimes we live with a full trial, stonewalling, obstruction, and the problems that we always face our journey, as it were, will force us to surrender. But as a wise, we can not simply give up on the lot. Keep trying, because the actual success is always in front of our failure, only the determination and attitude of never give up can give way for us to achieve success bred.

1 Comentário:

Anonymous said...

kaya lagu englishnya abe buat justice hehehhe

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